11 Mart 2014 Salı

Purple is always great...

It's still raining without a second's interval here. The rain has its own charm if you don't have to go out :) It's great just to look out of the window watching the rain drops fall. Sure if you have the chance to sit on your couch in the warmth of your living room. I hope every single person on the world to have the chance to get everything they want in their life. I guess through our lives, in our daily struggles, doing our daily chores, we don't realize how lucky we are being healthy, being able to provide our needs. What I'm sure is... a day will come that human beings will stop nonsense battles and wars for self interest and remember the days (sure there were just a few :)) they used to share all. It seems that's a bit far from the days we live, but don't let the hope in you fade. This blog started as a crafts blog, but I think sharing thoughts, feelings and opinions are much more important than sharing items here so I'll do this time to time. Today I want to share an infinity scarf and hat set here that I think is in a wonderful color for rainy days; purple. I've knitted the scarf ribbed of soft yarn, but haven't sewn two edges together. Instead I've added some loops of white yarn to one end and placed white buttons on the other so there will be no buttonholes that will get loose after being used. Embellished the scarf with white yarn in diagonal on the sides. Tha hat is also ribbed and has the diagonal white embellishments. I beleive it has been beautiful and attaching the photos below with the hope that you all will like it... https://www.etsy.com/listing/175506386/infinity-scarf-cowl-neckwarmer-and-hat?ref=shop_home_active_10

1 yorum:

  1. Nice too see different things everyday sis... Congratulations...


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