5 Haziran 2014 Perşembe

World Environment Day...

Spring passed with just a few warm days and then Summer started with heavy rain which is gradually getting permanent as years go by. Once in our childhood we knew how the weather is outside in all seasons and we didn't have to check the forecast unless we were to have a trip across the sea :) The human kind developed in many fields, but I guess we failed on environment. Since the mass media appeared on the history scene we started to fool ourselves with thoughts of new needs and we started to believe the lies we made up. Every single day modernity urged us to have something new and to produce to satisfy all the demands, we finally damaged the nature, our planet and surroundings (sure we aren't completely aware about what we do to space yet, but we still realize the dump above our atmosphere) . Unbelievable creatures we are; we know what's right and what's wrong, but we still make the worst choices for our future. Just to raise global awereness on the environmental issues 5th. of June is celebrated as World Environment day by the United Nations since 1973. Sure where we are now is not where we should be, but late is better than never so we must take action as soon as possible. Each of us should support recycling and use natural pruducts as much as we can in our lives instead of synthetic ones. You may ask if I do this strictly. The answer will be a big NO, but I'm trying to change. I've started to recommend my customers to use cotton or wool instead of acrylic on the custom orders and I try to replace the ones on my lists with the ones made of natural materials as much as I can and aim to have a completely 'green' shop in a year at latest. Today I want to share a cotton scarf I've embellished with wooden beads. I've actually put its photos on my posts months back, but with a few others so I want to share once again in a single post. I hope you all will like it...

3 yorum:

  1. Action has to be taken asap...

  2. The scarf is fabulous! There is so much we can do to recycle and help preserve our environment. I always feel good when I make steps to reduce my carbon footprint. :)

  3. Thank you so much for your lovely words regarding the scarf. About the awereness on environmental issues; I wish all were as responsive as you are...


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