23 Temmuz 2014 Çarşamba

Please don't forget them...

Lately I was wondering why some of my items got so many favorites, but haven't been sold; especially the shawls and hand knitted bags that I think are great combinations for anything casual for any season. I checked the pages on Etsy to see what I was doing wrong, searched for crocheted shawls to see if my presentation was bad or at least worse than others. Sure there are shops that look like so experienced as if they are online branches of some actual shops with strong brands. I guess you've also seen some of them selling scarves and it's really hard for a beginner to compete with them in advertising and promotion, but can only surpass them on quality of my items by working on them with all my attention, care and love :) So instead of putting items in great quantities on my shop, I try to list items that one can see it's been worked on intensely. After all these work and thinking on this issue; today I saw the favorite shawl (https://www.etsy.com/listing/129342972/shawl-crochet-shawl-wrap-for-women?ref=shop_home_active_17) in my shop and knitted messenger bag (https://www.etsy.com/listing/150195289/womens-bag-purse-messenger-bag-with?ref=shop_home_active_6) were sold. Sure this sale has made my day as every sale and I wish this to be followed by many others. Tonight is a night that we believe all the prayers will be accepted by God so please add the ones in following sentences to your sincere prayers. The weather was too hot also today and I want to write a few words regarding the animals in the city. I'm sure you all saw publicities to get our attention and I guess it's one of the most essential issues on Summer time. Sure animals in some parts of the cities are lucky, because there are ponds and fountains placed there. I just wanted to ask of you once to put a bowl of water out of your house to soothe their thirst. Today I want to share a photo of a fountain in front of a tomb. I'm sure you'll realize the little guest on it. I hope you all will like it...

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