11 Mayıs 2015 Pazartesi

Yellow Ethnic Scarf...

Monday; was another day of cleaning the house which is always tiring, but if you're a bit obsessed in neatness then you do all by yourself which tire out you more than it should. It lasts longer than usual at this time of every year when the seasons change; epecially when we are in Spring after a long Winter that we kept our windows shut through snowy days and now it's time for our houses to breathe deep and fill their lungs with fresh and vivid air :) Sure fresh air comes with her mischievous friend; dust which compels us do cleaning more often. It was in the evening that I finished all and turn my lappy to work on 'favorites' on Etsy so I could proceed on my blog after dinner. Today I'll end sharing beaded scarves with the last color I've listed in my shop; the yellow one with hope you all will like it...

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