2 Eylül 2014 Salı

Blouse of lilac cotton yarn

It was the day to get the results of my moms tests so my brother went to hospital and got them. On the first look at the papers we saw all wa right,but sure the relief came after doctor sawthem on 4 pm. She'll get her meds and all the blood and other tests say that her health is great. Sure at her age, one has to be careful with everything she eats and drinks, but knowing that she's fine is so good, because I'll feel better when she asks to eat things I assumed that would be bad for her health. One of my cousins kept inviting us for tea at her house which is so close to the hospital where my mom doctor works so we spent the day there chatting and having delicious snacks, cookies and pastry. It was around 6 pm. when we came back home and I've turned the laptop on to check my inboxes that I've neglected for a few days. I saw awesome reviews from one of my shoppers regarding the shawl and messenger bag he bought that made me really really happy. Then it was time for the only routine I love; working on google + where I replied to +1s and beautiful comments from my lovely friends. I have to admit I'd never thought I'd love a web page this much. I guess the reason for me to work here without getting bored is that we all work without any pressure, but just to see awesome items and promote them as well as ours. Today I want to share the new look of oen of the blouses I've knitted for Summer for cotton yarn which will be a cooler costume under the hot Sun. It think the lilac color is great for Spring and Summer and I hope you all will like it on this blouse...

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