22 Nisan 2014 Salı

Earth Day...

Here we are on another Earth Day. I guess we all should think on this again and again, because as far as I see; our direction isn't the right one. We seem to have millions of things we have in our lives that we produce by damaging the world we live in. This may not be that important if we had another planet we can live, but we all know such one will not be reached even if it's discovered in the near future. So we need to be so careful while we consume the natural sources. This day was first celebrated in 1970 and till then on every 22th. of April events are held worldwide to direct our attention on environmental protection. Sure we may think is a single citizen can cause any change while all the giant companies seem to disregard the problem. Actually they've also realized they were doing wrong and try to change their production process and be respectful against nature, but things has to be done should be done immidiately. I guess any of us should make a change in our lives and start to use natural products in our lives instead of synthetic ones. This is not only a choice we have to make, but a responsibility for next generations. I'm sure if wisdom wins the battle we will have a better world to live in. Please just think and take action as soon as possible. Today I want to share just one photo which is our home. I'm sure you all love it...

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