26 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

U've got a message :)

It was the day for another family party so I went to a cousin's house and had good time with relatives as we munched on the delicious cookies and pastry. It was about 6 o'clock when we came home and the lil mischievous bird greeted us with cheerful yells just as he heard the key turning in the lock; actually he feels when the elevator stops at our floor of the apartment. Just played some with him and sat to turn the laptop on, had to clear the inboxes on my mails and sure so many other things to do. I wonder if my brother didn't arrange all the harder work on net, what could I do :) I realized that whatever I write on this blog doesn't have much effect, but photos do all the job :) Sure this excludes the sentences on politics (just a hint... if you want your blog be clicked millions in a few weeks... write on politics or celebrities :)), but for that I plan to have another one and before that I really want to have enough time to tend on this one and turn it into a real crafters blog. I hoped to make a treasury and post it here tonight, but couldn't spare any time for Etsy yet so I have to share another from my shop which is a messenger bag that I've knitted of grey yarn and embellished it with a few wooden beads that I've applied on the same colored flowers as the bag itself. I hope you all will like it...

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