1 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe

Girls & Boys

I wish I could call this May Day happy, but it turned into 'mayday' for the workers. So frustrated so I'll not write more on this, because if I do; my words will be a bit insulting and will contain some swearing :) So let me continue by telling you about my day while I'd love to write on May Day. It was really a hectic day. There were so much to do besides daily chores so I could at last find time to sit and work on my shawl so it woulkd be ready before my visit to a cousin in another city for a week or ten days. There were around thirty more flowers that had to be gathered together and with a hard work I could manage to complete it. Now there are only tassels to be made and added to the item which will take an extra day so for tomorrow I know what is my schedule's first article :) I really hope to finish this in a short time so I can work some on promoting my shop, because I need to proceed to the second step of running an online business. The first one was to enrich the shop with attractive items and I guess I've done enough of this in my first year so now I can focus on bringing visitors and customers from various sources. This means a hard work and harder reading for my brother, but I'm sure he will do this without complaint also. Today the weather was cool, but the rain continued and every drop that fell on Earth brought new hopes to every living creature. Talking on the nature getting alive again made me think of the newborns and the cheer they bring to our lives so I'll share a baby cardigan here that I've knitted two variations for baby girls and boys. As you all can guess pink & white for girls and blue & white for boys. On both I've embellished the front of the items with the same color of yarn on the opposite layer. I hope you all will like it...

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