9 Mart 2014 Pazar

Beads and spangles...

The rain still continues so does the knitting :) Actually I could just start to knit, because I had some scarves to work on, did some beading for three and completed the custom order. So it was busy day with beads and spangles. Just as I've completed the scarves and packing the one that I'll dispatch tomorrow, I sat and knitted some; continued to the colorful baby jumper with a flower on the chest and I guess I'll finish it in a few days. It was gloomy all day so I couldn't take the photos of the new items that I want to list to my shop. I need to do this on the first sunny day, because I think natural light is better for photos and it helps while editing them with 'picasa' or 'paint'; gives them a warmer look. Sure if I get more experienced on running an online shop, I may think to take the photos with extra light in studio conditions. Until then I need to wait clear days to take the photos of my items :) Today I'll share another 'yemeni' that I've adorned with some beads and spangles trying not to ruin their ethnic and authentic character. I hope you all will like it...

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