22 Mart 2014 Cumartesi

New baby sweater...

It was a sunny day here so it was a pleasure to go out for shopping. I had a little walk to one of the shops I buy the supplies for items I knit or crochet. I've purchased the yarn I need for the custom order I've mentioned yesterday. Besides them I've bought the buttons for the newly completed baby cardigan that I'll share a few days later here. After coming back home, I've took the photos of the cardigan and sweater that I've knitted and edited them; actually changed the backgrounds into white, because they look better that way; all like the soldiers marching abreast :) The sweater I'll post the photos is the one I've wrote here that I was knitting similar to the baby sweater I have in my shop that has a heart in front of it, but this one isn't only different in color, but also it has a flower on it instead. As usual will not write too long on Saturday, beecause I know you all have better plans than reading a blog :) Have an excellent weekend. I hope you all will like the sweater. https://www.etsy.com/listing/183564461/baby-sweater-jersey-jumper-hand-knitted?ref=shop_home_active_15

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