19 Mart 2014 Çarşamba

Spring is here...

Hi again all... This century we live in is has thousands of benefits, but also has many disadvantages when compared with the older times when there were nothing to entertain us except reading and chatting with the family when the Sun sets. Today we have millions of attractions that come up with our techno gadgets, but we control none of them actually. I've been thinking on this time to time as I beleive you all had also, but yesterday it was like slap on my face. The internet company had maintenance around where I live so the net was not working all day and as you know no net means no online work :) I couldn't work on my shop (sure I could have via mobile, but it's not something I like much) and couldn't even post a few photos here on my blog. The harsh reality that we all are slaves of technology hit me once more reminding me that modern life can also be wrath. Sure the damage it makes to nature and the harm on our lives is a subject of another post :) but without energy webs not working, all these gadgets we fill our houses with mean nothing, but tons of garbage. I hope none of you will experience such a torture :) Today the weather was so hot; above the season weather averages so I think it's better to get ready for the hot sunny days of Spring and Summer. I'll share a strapless top I've knitted of cotton yarn and did some beading on the waist. I hope you all will like it... https://www.etsy.com/listing/154648561/strapless-top-blouse-made-of-stripe?ref=shop_home_active_17

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