16 Mart 2014 Pazar

Sunday at home...

Following a few sunny days, the rain started again a few hours ago in a way like it missed us too much and want everybody walking in the streets get soaked to their bones even under their umbrellas :) I woke up, had my breakfast then sat in my armchair to complete a few of my knitted items as I listened to music and my lovebird; 'sugar' singing accordinly :) He is a bit different than other lovebirds I've had in the past, learned more words than all others and can even repeat verses as well as some short sentences, sing and dance and make us double up on the most unexpected moments with a word or a move. I'm sure anyone having any pet will understand what I mean. I'll write more about this mischievous and funny bird on my later posts. So after gathering the parts of the new baby sweater I've knitted for my shop, I sat in front of the computer and saved a few listings to draft; the scarves I've shared here yesterday, but will activate them right after I share the photos of their prints in my blog just as I do for every new item. Yesterday I've shared their general photos and today you'll see the close ups of the cotton scarves and tomorrow I assume I'll post the close up photos of the beading. I hope you all will like them...

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