15 Mart 2014 Cumartesi

New additions to my shop...

After all the rainy days, the Sun showed its face today. The sky was so bright even on the first few hours of the morning so after having my breakfast I took the photos of new scarves that I've embellished with wooden and glass beads. I've completed four of them yet, but before March ends, I'll make a few more ready. All the scarves I used have traditional prints on their cotton fabric. I have many scarves in my shop with handmade crochet and beading. Normally I embellish all four ends of the scarves, but on these new ones I've tried something different. First I've folded the scarves and then stringed the beads, added a tassel on two ends that will look great over boths sides of the bust of your outfit. I'll share one photo of them each today here before I list them to my shop and on the following posts; I'll share detaied photos of them. I hope you all will like them...

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