8 Haziran 2014 Pazar

Started the blanket...

The day after a hectic Saturday; I woke up a bit later than I nırmally do, had my brekky, did the dishes and did some ironing. I know not a good way to start Sunday, but daily chores are always there waiting for your attention and if you leave them on their own they gather in groups and wait for your weakest moment to attack :) In the afternoon I've turned the lappy on and started to work on promoting my shop on different websites and will try to read some to find some others I can also promote to make my shop relevant on searches. Having more time to spend on web than weekedays, today I've completed most I do daily earlier so I write this post around 8 pm. my time after taking a few photos of the parts I've crocheted for the blanket I'll put to my shop in the new season. I guess this is something I should do; to make the new items ready for the next season and add them to my lists when the time comes. This also includes of re-newing the items in my shop; why should I put winter items when it's summer. This way the shop will not have dead listings and this will look logical and useful for customers to browse the listings. The photos of parts in various colors will give you an idea about how the blanket will look. Sure we all have to wait a few weeks to see it complete. I hope you all will like it...

5 yorum:

  1. Lets's see it when it's finished... I'm sure it will be awesome...

  2. The colors are so pretty. I love the pattern too.

    1. There will be some more additional colors; want it to be really colorful... Thank you so much for your lovely words...

    2. You're on my latest post... I hope you'll like it... http://woolopia.blogspot.com.tr/2014/06/promoting-you.html


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